When the Outdoors come Inside Your HOUSE

This is the “adventure” that was not an adventure; it was more of a nightmare, that I have survived and learned a lot from. I normally would have thought that this nightmare or close encounter like this would happen on the hiking trails, but the story I am about to share happened inside my house.
Spring and warm temperatures tend to get the creatures crawling, and the last thing we think about is where those creatures are crawling to, or at least that was me until 2 years ago.
With two young children, the doors to our house might as well be swinging back and forth, only swinging doors bring in unwanted friends. I am fine with the occasional June bug, mosquito, or moth, but there are some creatures that can visit elsewhere.
On warm April night after having the doors swinging back and forth, I had tucked my little “angels” into bed, flopped down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and was ready to relax. Our dog, the older dog Bobby who is deaf, blind, and lazy, was snoozing in the living room floor, and I glanced down at him and thought what an odd piece of trash. I got up to grab the piece of trash only to discover that trash had, eyes, a tongue, and scaly skin…AGHHH I had a snake in the middle of my living room floor. Holy Moly, panic took over, praying the slimy nasty little thing didn’t slide down the hall, I stepped out to my garage, and grabbed a shovel. From here, I will not disclose where the snake went, I will only say he did not return. Continue to Read More

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